Did Ancient Monsters Use to Rule the Earth?

Hello Science Fans!

How was your Halloween?

I enjoy listening to scary stories and watching scary movies, specially the ones where there are monsters or cryptids involved.

Cryptids are creatures or beings that are believed to exist, but their existence has not been proven by scientific evidence. They are often associated with folklore, mythology, and urban legends and are typically elusive, mysterious, and difficult to verify. Examples of cryptids include the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, and the Chupacabra. While many cryptid sightings are considered hoaxes or misidentifications of known animals, some people remain convinced of their existence, making cryptids a subject of interest in popular culture and cryptozoology.

But did you know that there’s a branch of research that discovers ancient monsters all the time?

Check out our video below to learn more about it:

Or read the article we prepared below:

Before I talk about this fascinating field of science, let me first say hi to our new viewers.

My name is Chona and I’m your resident Filipina scientist.

I’m a researcher in the field of Molecular Biology and I love how the DNA connects the past and the present of all living things.

I’m also a teacher in Biology and Ecology, and we teach our students how ancient events can shape the environment of today.

And SHE-ensya is my science communication channel where I love sharing fascinating new information to my community.

So ancient monsters, what’s the latest?

Researchers have found really old fossils of a massive sea creature that lived 170 million years ago, back in the time of dinosaurs. These fossils are from the oldest-known super-huge sea predator called a pliosaur, which is related to the long-necked plesiosaurs. The fossils were discovered in northeastern France 40 years ago and were recently studied by a team of scientists from different countries.

Pliosaurs were a type of plesiosaur with short necks and big skulls. They existed more than 200 million years ago but didn’t become major players in the ocean until later. This new research suggests that their rise to dominance happened because they found unique ways to catch their food, and many other marine predators were declining about 170 million years ago.

The scientists named this newly discovered pliosaur “Lorrainosaurus.” It had a huge jaw with big, cone-shaped teeth and a bulky body that looked like a torpedo. Lorrainosaurus was one of the first really massive pliosaurs and led to a whole dynasty of these giant sea predators that ruled the oceans for about 80 million years.

This ancient creature was probably over 6 meters long from head to tail and lived during the early Middle Jurassic period. We don’t know much about plesiosaurs from that time, so this discovery is pretty exciting.

The study of Lorrainosaurus also tells us that the era of these gigantic sea predators started earlier than we thought, and they adapted to changes in the marine environment in Western Europe during the early Middle Jurassic. This adds important information about marine reptiles from the time of dinosaurs.

We wouldn’t be able to discover these ancient monsters if not for the process of fossilization.

Fossils are formed through a process that takes millions of years and involves several steps:

  • Death: An organism, such as a plant or an animal, dies. It can be buried quickly by sediment, like sand or mud, or slowly as it decomposes.
  • Burial: If the organism is buried by sediment, it gets protected from scavengers and environmental factors. Over time, more and more sediment accumulates on top of it.
  • Mineralization: As the organism’s remains are buried deeper, the minerals from the surrounding sediment start seeping into the organic material, replacing the original biological material with minerals. This is a slow process called mineralization.
  • Compression: The layers of sediment continue to build up over time, putting pressure on the buried remains. This pressure can cause the minerals in the organism to harden and turn into rock, forming a fossil.
  • Uplift and Exposure: Geological processes, like tectonic movements, can bring these fossil-containing rocks closer to the surface. Erosion then exposes the fossils, making them visible and accessible to scientists and paleontologists.

Fossils are like snapshots of ancient life, and they provide valuable information about the Earth’s history and the organisms that lived long ago.

There are still many ancient “monsters” waiting to be discovered in the field of paleontology. The Earth is a vast and diverse planet, and numerous unexplored areas, especially in remote or inaccessible regions, hold the potential for new fossil discoveries. Technological advancements have greatly enhanced our ability to uncover and study fossils, making it possible to find specimens that were once elusive. Additionally, climate change, as it alters landscapes and exposes previously buried rock formations, can lead to the revelation of new fossils. International collaboration among scientists and the sharing of knowledge further increase the likelihood of significant discoveries. Innovative research methods and a willingness to explore even unexpected places, such as urban areas during construction projects, also contribute to the ongoing quest for ancient creatures. As a result, the Earth’s history continues to be a rich source of undiscovered species and fascinating creatures from the past.

But what do you think? Could our monstrous myths and legends be connected to real animals that lived in the past? Do you think some of them could still be out there?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Thank you so much for dropping by!

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me, your resident Filipina scientist, in the comments section below.

And remember, when in doubt, always use your (con)science!