Tag: Opinions on science

  • How Does Cancer Develop in Our Bodies?

    How Does Cancer Develop in Our Bodies?

    Hello Science Fans! There are many scary diseases we can get, but perhaps one of the scariest is cancer. Cancer is a disease where cells in the body grow uncontrollably and form abnormal lumps called tumors. These tumors can damage nearby tissues and organs. Cancer can start in any part of the body and sometimes…

  • Why Do We Need Statistics in Research?

    Why Do We Need Statistics in Research?

    Hello Science Fans! Statistics can be tough and confusing. Why do we need to do them when we’re doing research? Statistics are like a toolkit that helps researchers make sense of data they collect during experiments or surveys. They use statistics to organize the information, spot any important patterns or connections, and decide if their…

  • What Does the Review of Related Literature Have to Do With Design Thinking? 

    What Does the Review of Related Literature Have to Do With Design Thinking? 

    Hello Science Fans! I’m here to drop another research related video — this time on the most divisive part of the research process — the Review of Related Literature or the RRL. But why is the RRL so important? Imagine you’re building a towering skyscraper. Before you lay the first brick, you need a solid…

  • Why is Genetic Engineering So Controversial? 

    Why is Genetic Engineering So Controversial? 

    Hello Science Fans! Did you know that I started out as a genetic engineer? The thesis that I worked on in college was to help create a variety of abaca that was immune to the abaca bunchy top virus or ABTV. The Abaca Bunchy Top Virus (ABTV) poses a serious threat to abaca plants, commonly…

  • How Different are Bacteria from Humans? | SHE-ensya Basics

    How Different are Bacteria from Humans? | SHE-ensya Basics

    Hello Science Fans! There are so many types of living things on Earth, but we are all united by one molecule: the DNA. Even from the smallest bacteria to, well, us humans, the DNA guides how are cells and our bodies work. But bacteria are considered as prokaryotes. While humans, plants, and even fungi —…

  • Why Does Coral Bleaching Happen?

    Why Does Coral Bleaching Happen?

    Hello Science Fans! It’s time for the beach, and one of the fun things to do is to go snorkeling and marvel at the beauty of coral reefs. But have you seen some of the headlines related to it? A New York Times article states that a global bleaching event is currently devastating coral reefs…

  • Why Is the Heat Index so High in the Philippines?

    Why Is the Heat Index so High in the Philippines?

    Hello Science Fans! It’s so hot these days, isn’t it? Temperatures are very high, but you might notice that our monitoring agencies are also reporting heat indices.  Temperature and heat index are two different but related concepts often used interchangeably, yet they carry distinct meanings. Temperature refers to the measurement of thermal energy present in…

  • Why Can’t We See the Solar Eclipse from the Philippines?

    Why Can’t We See the Solar Eclipse from the Philippines?

    Hello Science Fans! Did you get excited about the solar eclipse? Were you disappointed when we weren’t able to view it from the Philippines? Solar eclipses are celestial phenomena that captivate the imagination and curiosity of humanity. Occurring when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, these events result in the temporary blocking of…

  • How Do We Apply for the SHE-ensya Thesis Grant?

    How Do We Apply for the SHE-ensya Thesis Grant?

    Hello Science Fans! Have you heard? We’re currently raising funds to help at least one female student in senior high school or college with the costs of their thesis. We hope to raise $1,000 per student. And to learn more about this, please check out our previous video through the link in the description of…

  • Help Fund STEM Theses for Girls in the Philippines Through the SHE-ensya Grant

    Help Fund STEM Theses for Girls in the Philippines Through the SHE-ensya Grant

    Donate to the SHE-ensya Thesis grant through the following channels: GCash Transfer: Account name – Chona Camille Abeledo Account number – 09989701809 BDO Deposit: Account name – Chona Camille Abeledo Account number – 004580408899 Airfunding link (for international donors): https://www.airfunding.net/project/832169?hl=en&utm_source=copied_url&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=my_project_shares&utm_content=project_id_832169 To help us keep track of donations, kindly fill up the form in this link…